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Logistyka zawiłości dziejów i nowe horyzonty

Banaszyk Piotr, Kauf Sabina Helena, Szołtysek Jacek

Logistyka zawiłości dziejów i nowe horyzonty

Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 2024
ISBN: 978-83-208-2591-6

Celem podstawowym niniejszej monografii jest wskazanie prawdopodobnych trendów w dziedzinie logistyki i łańcuchów dostaw, które z natury mają obecnie charakter międzynarodowy. Trendy te są prognozą wynikającą z obserwowanych procesów historycznych i bieżących. Można przyjąć, że stanowią swoisty azymut dla menedżerów logistyki i łańcuchów dostaw. Azymut, czyli punkty orientacyjne, które menedżer w każdym sektorze, branży i konkretnym przedsiębiorstwie może wykorzystać do wytyczenia indywidualnej i oryginalnej ścieżki rozwoju.

Książka rozpoczyna się od refleksji historycznej ukazującej ewolucję rozwoju zasad, metod i zastosowań logistyki. Następnie w kompleksowy sposób pokazano wpływ postępu w dziedzinie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych na działalność logistyki i sterowanie procesami logistycznymi i łańcuchami dostaw. W dalszej kolejności przedstawiono znaczenie i konsekwencje zjawiska tak zwanej hybrydyzacji oferty rynkowej przedsiębiorstw, czyli dążenia do podnoszenia satysfakcji odbiorców dzięki uzupełnianiu rzeczowej formy wyrobów przez świadczenie usług okołoproduktowych. W końcu starano się zidentyfikować i rozważyć wpływ dostrzeżonych zjawisk na przyszłą charakterystykę procesów logistycznych i zarządzanie łańcuchami dostaw.

Można mieć nadzieję, że zaprezentowane ustalenia i opinie staną się przesłankami do refleksji i dyskusji przede wszystkim w środowisku badaczy przedmiotowych zjawisk oraz okażą się pomocne w inspirowaniu praktyków.


Dąbrowski Ireneusz, Politaj Adriana, Wicher Joanna Sabina, Mach Łukasz, Frącz Paweł

Spatialtemporal assessment of regional labor market differentiation

International Journal of Management and Economics,
vol. 60, nr 2, 2024, s. 1-12,
ISBN: 123-45-6789-123-4

The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of regional and temporal labor market differentiation. In the study, the following voivodeships were taken as comparative objects. In accordance, following the administrative division, the voivodeships were adopted, while the research period was taken as the years 2011–2021. To study the differentiation of the voivodeship labor markets, the classical method of share shifts and the analysis of share shifts were used. The number of employed people and the registered unemployed by gender were chosen as the measures of differentiation on which the study was based. The results of the analyses made it possible to examine changes in the structure and assess the development of regional labor markets over time.

The Possibilities of Cooperation among Family Firms within a Cluster Environment-0

Staszewska Jolanta, Smolarek Małgorzata, Foltys Joachim, Wotzka Daria, Frącz Paweł

The Possibilities of Cooperation among Family Firms within a Cluster Environment

European Research Studies Journal, University of Piraeus, International Strategic Management Association,
vol. 27, nr 2, 2024, s. 132-154,
ISBN: 123-45-6789-123-4

Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyze the potential for effective implementation of clusters in the context of family businesses operating in the Polish market. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article seeks to address the question of whether and what are the possibilities of implementing clusters in the operations of Polish family firms. It investigates the factors contributing to the success or failure of cluster initiatives among family businesses. The hypothesis posited is that family firms in the Polish market operate in isolation, and exhibit limited willingness to collaborate, yet despite these constraints, they are capable of engaging in clusters as a solution to some of their market challenges. The research methodology comprised Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) and In-Depth Interviews (IDI) conducted in 2023 on a representative sample of 448 family firms. Findings: The article presents the results of research on family firms in Poland, focusing on their market situation, analysis of constraints, and opportunities for utilizing networks in the development of these enterprises. According to the research findings, the majority of family firms are not familiar with the cluster concept, but some have experience in operating within networks. Family firms demonstrate a weak willingness to collaborate with other entities, as they highly value their autonomy and independence. They are generally not interested in influencing regional strategy, workforce transfer, or collaboration with academic and research centers. Factors essential to the essence of clusters are rejected by these firms. 

Structural and Investment Funds of the European Union as an Instrument for Creating a Low

Dembicka-Niemiec Agnieszka, Szafranek-Stefaniuk Edyta, Kalinichenko Antonina

Structural and Investment Funds of the European Union as an Instrument for Creating a Low

Carbon Economy by Selected Companies of the Energy Sector in Poland, Energies
Numer artykułu: 2031, s. 1-21,

The main objective of this research is to identify the scope of the use of EU funds for the formation of a low-carbon economy by enterprises providing energy services in Poland in 2014–2020. As a result of the identification, a model for the use of EU funds based on the following criteria was identified: the purpose of the investment, the type of fund, the type of support program, the range of support values and the form and level of funding. As a research gap has been identified due to the insufficient investigation of the use of EU funds by the largest energy companies in Poland to shape a low-carbon economy, the findings presented are novel and contribute to a better understanding of the use of EU funds by Poland’s largest energy sector companies. Data on investment projects financed by EU funds were obtained from the database of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy for 2014–2020, while the characteristics of the companies were obtained from industry reports, the National Court Register and the Central Statistical Office. The results showed that EU funds were important in the financing of investments by the largest energy companies to decarbonize the economy. The analysis showed that the surveyed companies were pursuing the goals of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council for energy efficiency, primarily concerning a lowcarbon economy. Most EU aid funds were used for infrastructure investments, including those related to renewable energy sources. Little use has been made of EU funds for innovation and public awareness.

The importance and determinants of cooperation between fruit farms and the institutional environment

Szymańska Elżbieta, Rysz Maria, Tłuczak Agnieszka


Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies in Uherské Hradiště,
vol. 8, nr 2, 2023, s. 1-18

The development of farms requires support from the institutional environment of agriculture. Institutions help introduce innovations and adapt their functioning to the requirements of the European Union. The aim of the research was to determine the factors affecting the cooperation of orchard farms with the institutional environment and the economic effects of this cooperation. The article’s novelty answers two questions: what factors on the farm affect cooperation with the institutional environment, and whether such cooperation affects the economic results of orchard farms? The study covered 45 farms from the Małopolska and Pogórze Region in Poland, specializing in cultivating fruit trees and shrubs, which in 2018 kept accounts under the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The descriptive method, chi-square test, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were used in the data analysis. An original relationship index was used to assess fruit producers’ cooperation with agricultural organizations. A backward stepwise multiple regression model was used to identify the factors influencing its level. The research showed a statistically significant relationship between the relationship index with the organization and utilized agriculture area, total workload, the value of subsidies to operating activities, direct costs, and the farmer’s age. The regression model shows that the value of subsidies to operating activities explains 28.09% of the variability of the relationship index (Ri). Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the cooperation of fruit producers with the institutional environment positively impacts orchard farms’ economic and financial results.

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